Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Win a person over with understanding and not ISA

Can ISA and all the counselling inside change the person into what the government wants them to be? I think not, observing and listening to the many people released from ISA. In fact, after their release, they are even more determined to get rid of ISA and if they were not from the reformasi movement, the detention has turned them into one.

Sometimes punishment can cause more harm and damage. It will make the person hate the government responsible for making their life miserable. Their families and friends will probably feel the same. So, what has the government accomplished by this punishment? Temporarily put fear into the people and temporarily stop them from talking. However, the government has forgotten that in this internet age, you stop someone, someone else takes over so the news doesn't stop.

A better approach would be to engage that person in an intellectual discussion, try to win him over. You definitely cannot win someone over by making his life miserable. Show a person kindness, care, sincerity, understanding and love and you might just win him over without incurring the wrath of the people.

Threats and punishment work only with cowards but not on courageous and righteous people. The more you punish and threaten them, the more they will fight you.

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