Friday, September 12, 2008

The ingredients for living in harmony

Just like in marriage, a harmonious multi-racial society requires the right ingredients and chef to make it work. What doesn't anyway? A prawn noodle dish will taste different in different stalls and different states. It all boils down to the ingredients and the chef.

So, what are the right ingredients for a multi-racial and multi-religion country like Malaysia need?

Malaysian Cake

Ingredients :
Seive A first -
3 cups of respecting others
3 cups of not doing to others what you do not like others to do unto you
3 cups of putting yourself in the shoes of others
3 cups of minding the language you use (remember to use only the best brands coz the fakes will turn your cake mouldy and poisonous)

5 cups of loving the country

Method :
1. Put all the ingredients together and seive it to remove the "I, Me, Myself, My this and My that" bugs. They will definitely spoil the taste of your cake.
2. You also require a very good chief chef to make sure all the assistant cooks follow instructions properly. Never let them deviate from the main recipe as it would a disaster. The chief chef must get rid of cooks who bent stubborn on doing things their own way.
3. Add seived ingredient A to B. Knead it gently but firmly until the dough is mixed thoroughly and the texture is strong.
4. Bake it and voila, the Malaysian cake is born.

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